Implementation: Gesture Representation

The representation of gestures in the framework is an important design decision and has implications on all other parts. It was a requirement for the data structures to manage gestures and groups of gestures. Furthermore, different algorithms need different descriptions of a gesture. Therefore, it is important that the model classes do not make any assumptions about specific algorithms or provide algorithm-specific data. Figure 2 shows the UML diagram of our data structure for representing gestures.

Figure 2: Gesture representation class diagram


The GestureClass class represents an abstract gesture and therefore holds the name of the class and a list of descriptors characterising it. For example to gather circles as gestures, we instantiate a new GestureClass and set the name to 'Circle'. The class itself does not hold any information on how the gesture looks like and needs at least one descriptor characterising the circle as a graphical object.


The class GestureSet contains a collection of gesture classes. This aggregation is necessary to be able to initialise an algorithm with a specific set of gestures whereas a gesture class can be a member of different gesture sets.


Descriptor is an interface that all gesture class descriptors have to implement. It does not specify any methods concerning the retrieval of gesture descriptions and is therefore more a marker than a functional interface. The idea behind this is that we do not want to limit the functionality of descriptors and it is not possible to provide methods for arbitrary descriptors which cannot be specified in advance. Each implementation of an algorithm is responsible for the necessary type checks and casts to work with the desired descriptor. Therefore, algorithms have to know on which descriptors they can operate and have to check if the necessary descriptors are available for all classes in the gesture set.


The SampleDescriptor class implements the Descriptor interface and describes gestures by samples whereas a sample is a instance of a gesture. This descriptor is used for training-based algorithms.


The GestureSample class is the instance of a gesture. In our case, it contains the time stamped locations gathered from the input device summarised as a Note . Despite the stroke detection the data gathered from the input device is not modified. This allows the algorithms to work on the original data and delegates the preprocessing to them.


The TextDescriptor class implements the Descriptor interface and specifies a gesture in terms of text. This could for example be a character string which describes the directions between characteristic points of the gesture.


DigitalDescriptor is an abstract class describing the gesture as digital image. This descriptor is not suitable for the recognition but rather for the digital representation and can provide a digital image of the gesture. Therefore, our gesture representation is powerful enough to build design oriented applications. For example, we can draw a circle that is recognised with the help of another descriptor and the application can then present its digital version based on the digital descriptor.