The following is a list of compile dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile and run the submodule:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
attjsapi | attjsapi | 1.0 | jar |
bibtex | javabib | 1.0 | jar |
ch.ethz.globis | omsjp | 1.2.0 | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-export | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-gui | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-print | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-viewer | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc | idoc-xps | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc.anoto | anotoUtil | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.idoc.ghostscript | gswrapper | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.ipublish | ipublish-cms | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.ipublish | ipublish-oo | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.ipublish | ipublish-pdf | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.openoffice | oo-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.openoffice | oo-drawing | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.openoffice | oo-trackchange | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.touristguide | touristguide-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.touristguide | touristguide-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.util | gpssimulator | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.util | util | 1.1-SNAPSHOT | jar |
ch.ethz.globis.xps | xpsutils | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
com.db4o | db4o-java5 | 6.3.201 | jar |
com.db4o | db4o-nqopt | 6.3.201 | jar |
com.famfamfam | silkicons | 1.3 | jar | | googleapi | 1.0 | jar |
com.illposed | osc | 1.0 | jar |
com.lowagie | itext | 2.0.0 | jar |
com.objy | objy | 1.0 | jar |
com.odi | pro | 1.0 | jar |
com.sun.jna | jna | 1.0 | jar |
com.utmpc | UTMConverter | 1.0 | jar |
com.wiigee | wiigee | 1.1 | jar |
com.wiigee | wiigee-lib | 1.5.6 | jar |
com.wiigee | wiigee-plugin-wiimote | 1.5.6 | jar |
commons-cli | commons-cli | 1.1 | jar |
commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.3 | jar |
commons-collections | commons-collections | 3.2 | jar |
commons-configuration | commons-configuration | 1.3 | jar |
commons-httpclient | commons-httpclient | 3.1 | jar |
commons-io | commons-io | 1.4 | jar |
commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.2 | jar |
commons-logging | commons-logging | 1.1.1 | jar |
commons-math | commons-math | 1.1 | jar |
de.johannburkard.nativecall | nativecall | 0.4.1 | jar |
de.johannburkard.nativecall | nativeloader | 0.4.1 | jar |
freetts | freetts | 1.0 | jar |
gjt | gjt | 1.0 | jar |
java3d | vecmath | 1.3.1 | jar |
javax.comm | comm | 2.0 | jar |
javax.servlet | servlet-api | 2.4 | jar |
jawin | jawin | 1.0.19 | jar |
jaxen | jaxen | 1.1 | jar |
jdom | jdom | 1.0 | jar |
jdom | jdom-contrib | 1.0 | jar |
jecf | jecf | 1.0 | jar |
jgraph | jgraph | | jar |
jgraph | jgraphaddons | 1.0.2 | jar |
junit | junit | 4.1 | jar |
log4j | log4j | 1.2.14 | jar |
myscript | engine | 1.0.7 | jar |
myscript | hwr | 1.1.0 | jar |
myscript | inksearch | 1.0.1 | jar |
net.sf.bluecove | bluecove | 2.1.0 | jar |
net.sf.bluecove | bluecove-gpl | 2.1.0 | jar |
org.apache.xmlgraphics | xmlgraphics-commons | 1.2 | jar |
org.fife.plaf | officeLnFs | 2.6 | jar |
org.freedesktop.tango | tango-icon-theme | 0.8.1 | jar |
org.htmlparser | htmlparser | 1.6-STATIC | jar |
org.jpedal | jpedalSTD | 3.40 | jar |
org.openoffice | juh | 2.3.1 | jar |
org.openoffice | ridl | 2.3.1 | jar |
org.openoffice | unoil | 2.3.1 | jar |
org.safehaus.jug | jug-asl | 2.0 | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-cache | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-database | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-graphix | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-ink | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-input | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-jdom | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-multimedia | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-net | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-om | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-util | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-win | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.sigtec | sigtec-xmlrpc | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.swinglabs | wizard | 1.0 | jar |
org.tuio | tuio-lib | 1.0 | jar |
org.ximtec.iflash | iflash | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-common | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiLetters | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiLetters-db4o | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiLetters-gestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiLetters-xml | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiNumbers-db4o | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiNumbers-gestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-graffitiNumbers-xml | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-msApplicationGestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-msApplicationGestures-common | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-msApplicationGestures-db4o | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-msApplicationGestures-gestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-msApplicationGestures-xml | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-multistrokeGestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-multistrokeGestures-db4o | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-multistrokeGestures-gestures | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-db-multistrokeGestures-xml | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-demo | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-framework | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-geco | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-io | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.igesture | igesture-tool | 1.2-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper-authoring | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper-common | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper | ipaper-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | ipaperinfo | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | ipaperinfo-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | ipaperinfo-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | ipaperinfo-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | isis | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | isis-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | isis-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | isis-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | itable | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | itable-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | itable-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | itable-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | paperpoint | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | paperpoint-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | paperpoint-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | paperpoint-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | review | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | review-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | review-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | review-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | touristguide | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | pom | | touristguide-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | touristguide-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar | | touristguide-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper.authoring | ipaper-authoring | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper.webservice | ipaperws-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.ipaper.webservice | ipaperws-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver | iserver | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver | iserver-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver | iserver-common | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver | iserver-core | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver | iserver-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver.authoring | authoring | 2.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver.authoring | iserver-authoring | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver.webservice | iserverws-client | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.iserver.webservice | iserverws-server | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
org.ximtec.xima | xima | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | jar |
pendriver | pendriver | 1.0 | jar |
quicktime | QTJava | 6.4 | jar |
spline | spline | 1.0 | jar |
swt | swt-win32 | 3.0m8 | jar |
wmcreator | wmcreator | 1.0 | jar |
xalan | xalan | 2.5.0 | jar |
xdatabase | xdatabase | 2.0.50-SNAPSHOT | jar |
xerces | xercesImpl | 2.6.0 | jar |
xml-apis | xml-apis | 1.0.b2 | jar |
xmp-apis | xmp-apis | 2.0.2 | jar |
xstream | xstream | 1.2.2 | jar |